The dragon flag
Knowing the best abs exercises for the perfect six pack is without a doubt the number one priority of most people who workout today. Yes they want a powerful chest and huge biceps, a back so broad it blocks out the sun, but most of all they want a six pack. The question is how do we get it?
Option one
You buy one of those expensive machines you see advertised on the TV, you know the ones I mean, they promise to give the perfect abdominal workout and are so effective that only 5 minutes a day will give you abs of steel. They even have perfect specimens of men and women posing with the machines just to add to the sales pitch. Do they work? unfortunately as Jim royal would say my a???.
Do not waste your money because it is not going to happen for you. If it was that easy we would all be walking round like we had just left our mornings practice at the Olympic village for a bit of sight seeing.
what about the best abs exercises, surely they work?
Yes they do but not without the right diet. If the best abs exercises was all that was required then we could all spend 5 minutes a day doing a few sets of each exercise and get the perfect look. However, the reality is that although the right abs exercises are crucial for great six pack definition even they won’t work without the right diet.
The reason for this is because as well as exercising the abs you also need to burn fat because we all already have six packs it is just that for most of us they are hidden by a layer of fat that has to be removed to reveal the hidden gems.
So for six pack perfection, remember you have remove the fat and train the abs at the same time.
There are only 2 ways you can have the perfect six pack!
You are a lucky B?????? Who has the perfect genetics for abdominal definition. Yes there are people out there, normally young men, who have great six packs without ever exercising and eating what ever they want. The good news is that they are very few and far between and the government is initiating a pregnancy prevention campaign to eventually eradicate them.
If you are serious about wanting a six pack you have to make a complete life change to do it. Why?
Because it is not natural for us to have a body fat percentage low enough to have such great abdominal definition.
To be able to see your six pack you need a body fat percentage of about 14% for women and 10% for men. The fact is in today’s modern world of sedentary jobs, processed food and large quantities of it, six packs are not what you would normally expect. Maybe long ago when we worked many hours in the fields we looked like Greek gods but not any more.
So combine a program of diet, cardio and abs exercises.
Diet, this is the most important part of the program and if is right you are guaranteed to succeed. In fact your diet is so important that it accounts for 80% of your success. However, when I say diet I am not taking about a traditional eat loads of salad diet. I mean the modern way to lose fat, which is to eat 4 small meals a day, each containing some form of protein and making sure you consume 500 less calories per day than your body needs to maintain its present weight. Find out more about Six pack diets.
Try to get in 4 good cardio sessions per week. It doesn’t matter what type it is. Anything from running, boxing training, power walking, swimming, to cycling is fine. Just ensure each session lasts for at least 30 minutes but no longer than 45 as any longer can result in muscle loss. As well as diet and cardio include 3-4 sessions of the best abs exercises per week.
The best abs exercises
without a doubt these are the best six pack exercises you can do!
The Dragon Flag,
The Hanging leg raise
The Abs wheel roll-out
You can see more exercise videos in my new Exercise video library.
If you have got the motivation to get a six pack then I say go for it. Stick to your plan and the general rules outlined in this article and you can do it.
Remember, you need a lot of drive and motivation to succeed unless you are genetically blessed. However, stick to the rules, take your time and you will be rewarded.
Finally Two important things.
It will not be as easy for some people as it is for others but every one can do it and please, please, please do not be fooled by the latest six pack scam, whether it is a new machine, wonder drink, tablet or even the latest abs exercises the industry continually pedals. You know to much know to be fooled. Instead stick to the advise given here and become one of the models who gets paid to do the posing on there crappy adverts.
Some tips
Eat every 3 hours, this keeps your metabolism high and therefore burns more fat, it also stops you going into starvation mode which is when your body thinks a famine is on the horizon and starts storing fat for energy
Never eat just one or two meals a day or you will go into the starvation mode mentioned above.
Exercise at least 3 but preferably 4 times a week. Include your bodyweight exercises to build muscle and some abs exercises. The reason you want to spend time building muscle as well as doing cardio and abs exercises is your metabolism stays higher for a lot longer after you have finished training if you do muscle building exercises.
Do not spend hour upon hour doing abs exercises, it is a total waist of time. You should do some good abs exercises to build strong core muscles but keep it to 15 minutes maximum.
You cannot spot reduce fat so you can not get rid of the fat on your belly whilst the rest of your body remains the same.
You have to reduce the fat levels for the whole of your body to get good definition. Another reason not to do just abs exercises to spot reduce your belly fat, it will not work.
Remember the longer you have been overweight the longer you should allow yourself to lose it.
Never starve yourself to lose weight you will lose huge amounts of muscle and go back to the old famine, body storing fat thing we mentioned earlier.
Keep a journal and write down what you eat and when you eat it. Also weigh yourself every week this way you should know what is happening and what changes you might need to make.
Do not compare yourself or your progress to other people. We are all different and you could lose half the weight your friend has but actually taking into account genetics you might have worked out a better system than them.
Do not try to lose more than 1 or a maximum of 2lb per week because your body needs time to adjust and remember the dreaded loose skin.
Never eat at least 2 hours before bedtime as carbohydrates have about 2 hours to be used up as energy before they are stored as fat.
Drinkplenty of water.
The benefits of sit ups
The crunch
The plank, one of the best ab builders there is.
The side plank
How to master the full hanging leg raise
How to do the full ab wheel rollout
Learn the L-seat for a great static hold ab exercise
The six pack diet
The strength athletes diet
The muscle building guide
See our fat burning guide to compliment your abs exercises
conditioning books for great abs
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