Youtube has some great exercise videos which can motivate, inspire and get you training like demon. Some of the exercise tutorials can also be a real benefit and teach you exercises you had not thought of or sporting techniques to practice. Here I have put together my personal youtube top ten videos chosen either because the person doing them has great strength, fitness or flexibility or because the person shows great determination and courage to overcome all obstacles in life to succeed despite the odds.
10 Maybe this one shouldn’t be in my youtube top ten if I am honest but I felt I had to put it because not only does this marine have the best technique for aztec push ups that I have seen (Notice how straight he keeps his legs throughout the push up) but also because It still makes me laugh every time I see it. The reason it is so funny is because this Marine does 3 or 4 perfect aztec push ups but then clearly struggles to do anymore, he then stands up and says “I can do a hundred of these but you havn”t got the time to watch. Have a look and enjoy.
9 Girl doing 25 pull ups, this youtube exercise video deserves to be in my top ten because any girl who can do 25 pull ups deserves all the credit given. Although her pull up technique is not as strict as it should be and it does become a bit of a kipping pull up it is nonetheless still a very impressive feat. Also despite the negative comments that this young girl got for technique I have yet to see any girl who could match it and I have trained people in my own gym for over twenty years. You only have to look at her physique to see how fit and strong this young lady is.
8 Skill guy, this is a great youtube video to inspire any older person to train. the balance, co-ordination and strength needed to pull this off would be impressive for any young guy but for someone of his age this guy is unbelievable.
7 Killer 550 rep workout, This video is in my top ten for two reasons, one being the enthusiasm this young lady has for fitness which I find inspirational and two the amazing body of this girl shows just what can be achieved with dedicated training. I hope all young girls who see this video feel inspired and go on to fulfil their own goals in life whatever they maybe.
6 This one is in because it is a great example of the strength and control that can be achieved through dedicated bodyweight exercise workouts.
5 Terry Fox marathon of hope, Imagine having to have one of your legs amputated as a teenager because of cancer, then imagine that same young man undertaking to run across Canada completing a full marathon every day even if it would cost him his life, Terry Fox was such a young man. The pain endured by an amputee to do what Terry fox did must have been unbearable and should be an inspiration to us all.
4 one finger handstand, This is in my top ten because the shoaling monks featured spend a life time training to improve their spiritual and physical well being through dedication and hard work. The strength of mind and body needed to do a handstand on one finger of each hand is truly amazing and shows that these guys come as close to real life super heroes as is possible.
3 This in one of the best examples of how how persistence in life pays off and also shows what bodyweight exercises can achieve.
2 Kung fu bodyweight skills, I have no idea who this guy is but his short youtube video shows just how dedication can enable somebody to develop almost perfect mastery of their body. The feats of bodyweight strength, flexibility and co-ordination this guy has are amazing and can be achieved by all with dedication.
1 This is number one video and when you see it I am sure you will understand why. When you see the dream you have worked so hard for evaporate before your eyes it is hard to imagine how you can show the such determination to finish as this athlete shows, It is the best display of sporting courage I have ever seen.
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Shaolin monks – Qi Gong
I like your youtube top ten choice especially the kung fu guy doing bodyweight exercises but my favourite video on youtube is this one about shoaling monks …
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