The wide grip pull up, unique bodyweight exercises difficulty rating for one rep – 4 out of 10
Average time taken to master 1 month.
The wide grip pull up favored by bodybuilders since time began is a great power exercise which on its own can build very impressive latissimus dorsi that spread out from the body like wings. (Think of Bruce Lee in way of the dragon). Whilst it is true that the wide position of the hands means some people experience shoulder pain with this exercise many others include it in there training year in, year out, without any problems what so ever. Therefore, it is really a case of one mans meat is another mans poison, so if you want to give it a try do so and simply exclude it from your routine if you notice it causing you shoulder pain.
Take a wider than shoulder width grip ( About six inches wider each side is good but experiment until you find a distance that is comfortable) then with your arms fully extended pull yourself up until your chin is roughly level with the bar, hold the position for a second and then lower yourself back down to the starting position.
Breathe in before you start the rep and expel the air powerfully as you pull yourself up.
Because of the position of your hands you may or may not be able to lift your chin level with the bar so just lift it as high as a full movement allows.
Concentrate on tensing your lats and abs throughout the movement.
Pause for a second after each rep to avoid using body momentum to swing back up.
Keep your chest forward and lean back slightly to avoid crashing into the bar.
To make the exercise more difficult include a static hold by pausing at the top position for 5 seconds on each rep.
To make the exercise easier place your feet on a bench to reduce the weight lifted or place your hands closer together and increase the distance as your strength increases.
See the grip pull up up guide to compliment the wide grip pull up