The elevated wall press up is similar to the wall planche except your hands remain in the normal position. This advanced exercise is one of the best tests of core and upper body strength as well as requiring great body control and is therefore a great addition to a bodyweight exercise routine. However, as this is a very advanced exercise do not attempt it until you are proficient at standard and elevated press ups.
To begin assume the normal press up position but place your feet against a wall the same height as your extended arms. From there lower yourself down until your chest is an inch of the floor, pause for a second and then push back up. Your feet should stay in the same position on the wall the whole time and this requires you to push backwards at the same time as you move up and down.
You need to keep your whole body straight throughout the movement which requires good core and upper body strength.
Your feet should stay in the same place the whole time.
Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up.
Make sure you keep your feet pressed tight against the wall throughout the movement.
See more bodyweight chest exercises
See the hip press up to help with the elevated wall press up