The chest rollout, unique bodyweight exercises difficulty rating for one rep 7 out of 10
Average time taken to master 2 months
The chest rollout is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do for chest definition and strength and can be done in the house or gym using two dumbbells to support your body. This great pectoral builder should not take most people more than a couple of months to perfect and once you have nailed it you will have a simple but effective bodyweight exercise for your chest workouts.
Method of progression
To begin, assume the basic press up position with your arms straight but grab a hold of two dumbbells and position them under the chest muscles sideways on (you need to loosen the collars of the dumbbells slightly so that they can rollout to the sides).
Once you are in position you need to slowly lower your body down by pulling the dumbbells apart and at the same time bending your arms until your chest is just an inch of the floor. Then hold the position for a couple of seconds before squeezing the chest muscles as you pull the dumbbells in to return to the starting position.
Note you are basically doing bodyweight flyes so your arms should end up in the same position as they would for dumbbell flyes
This is quit a difficult exercise for some people as it require a fair bit of pectoral and deltoid strength to control the dumbbells but the method of progression is easy. Simply build up your strength in the exercise by having less of a bend in your arms preferably with them bent less than 90 degrees at the elbow and increase the distance as you build up your strength and control over a period of time.
Start of chest rollout
Finish of chest rollout
When progressing in the chest rollout you can stop yourself descending further than you want by placing something such as a weight plate or heavy box on either side of you at the distance you desire.
Keep the reps low and concentrate on squeezing the chest as you come back up.
The more you bend your arms the easier the exercise is.
Control the movement at all times as you risk injury if you suddenly drop further down.
Do each rep slowly for maximum results and safety.
How to build muscle
See the crucifix press up guide to compliment the chest rollout
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