Bodyweight exercises for women who are looking for to a quick, low cost and convenient way to get in shape or lose weight can be the perfect answer. With many women having houses to run, careers to concentrate on and possibly young children to care for most ladies live a far busier life than men and have far less time to devote to themselves.
Because of these time restraints it can be very difficult for some women to get to the gym on a regular basis and more or less impossible to get there on specific days and times each and every week.
To solve this problem bodyweight exercises for women can provide the solution as one of the best things about this form of training is that they can be done almost anywhere and any time. This enables you to exercise in the comfort of your own home at the time of the day that is convenient for yourself and with little or no equipment.
Aliened with this convenience, bodyweight exercises for women also have another big plus and that is unlike many men who might want to build muscle bulk with weight training most women want to either control or lose weight and bodyweight exercises are perfect for the job.
The reason for this is because your body has an ingenious mechanism that will do its best to protect you at all times. Therefore, when you do natural bodyweight exercises your body will make you fitter and stronger so that the exercises are less demanding the next time you train.
Also because the resistance being used in the exercises is the weight of your own body your body will try to protect you further by reducing your bodyweight to make the exercises easier and therefore prevent injury. This is the opposite of how the body reacts to weight training were the exercise resistance is a heavy inanimate object and therefore the laws of physics mean the heavier you are the easier and therefore safer it will be to lift.
Another benefit of bodyweight exercises is the fact that because they require very little or no equipment you do not need to attend either a gym or club to do them. This then provides you with a way to workout and get in fantastic shape for only the small cost of some basic exercise equipment or for no cost what so ever if you decide that you don’t need any.
With many gymnasiums requiring a yearly subscription of quite hefty sums of money and many people on strict budgets at the moment the convenience, effectiveness and free cost that bodyweight exercises offer is I am sure you will agree an opportunity worth grabbing.
If you do decide to embark on a bodyweight exercise program whether that be for improved health, weight loss, superb fitness, increased strength and stamina, improved body image or all of the above I highly recommend that you give it a go.
If you are unsure about were to start or how to put together your own exercise program the bodyweight exercise routine guide has many useful tips on how to create one.
Also remember that a good diet is vital for both general health and weight loss so please have a read of the healthy eating plan. Finally, what ever your age, weight, fitness level, genetics and general health as long as your Doctor gives you the go ahead you will find plenty of bodyweight exercises to suit your needs.
For example the humble press up can be done on your knees or leaning against a wall if you don’t have the strength to do the standard version. But for those who go onto build superb strength and fitness the humble press up can also progress to far harder versions such as the triceps press up, the hip press up, and of course the ultimate planche press up done regularly by Olympic gymnasts and you know how good their bodies are.
Good Luck.
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