Why lovesexyabs is the best abs course.
First let me say that lovesexyabs is not a quick fix, magic pill or mystery exercise contraption that will give you instant six pack abs. Instead what you get is a comprehensive course on building great abs that will take several months to see it through to the end but will deliver the washboard abs it promises.
What you need to get great abs.
As any one who reads my articles will know there are three things required for awesome abs. One is the right exercise routine, two is the right nutrition and three is the motivation to stick with your training and diet to the end. It is a scientific fact that if you incorporates those three things you will get great abs and the only variable is the time it takes the individual.
Once you put the right combination of nutrition and exercise together they combine to burn the fat that is hiding your abs and at the same time build the abdominal muscles up so that your are left with fully developed muscles and no fat hiding them.
For the fat burning part of the equation your diet will account for 80% of your success and no matter how good your training is, you cannot have a six pack if your diet isn’t spot on. The difficulty most people face is they do not have the knowledge of what, when and how much food to eat and unfortunately the answer is not as simple as following a generic diet because we are all unique and require completely different amounts of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats.
The crucial thing about lovesexyabs is that all the hard work is done for you and all facts about nutrition are laid bare so that you know exactly what the best foods for great abs are and get a complete nutritional breakdown of hundreds of the most common foods. However, what really makes lovesexyabs special is the “smart calculator” that allows you to work out your own exact nutritional requirements and then provides you with suggested menus that will be right for you. This information is crucial for six pack abs and is worth the purchase price on its own as you are in effect getting the next best thing to having your own personal nutritionist.
once you have removed the fat from your waist you will want to have fantastic abdominal development to show off and the right exercise plan is crucial for this aim but unfortunately this is were many people make the big mistake of either doing the wrong abs exercises or worse combining them with aerobic exercises.
This is incorrect because washboard abs can only be built with a combination of the right abs exercises and muscle building ones that will increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR) or is simple terms burn fat even when you are not exercising. It is for this reason that lovesexyabs is built on a combination of both the correct abs and compound muscle building exercises which results in giving you both great abs and a great body at the same time.
The program also covers the two most important aspects of abs exercises namely why doing the wrong exercises in this case “sit ups and crunches” is not only ineffective but also likely to cause lower back problems and why even the right exercises have to be done in the correct form to be safe and effective. The program also has video demonstrations of the lovesexyabs author Sebastian Turrichi doing every single exercise in the program to ensure that the correct form is followed.
What lovesexyabs comprises of
Their are two different courses within the lovesexyabs program the first one “lovesexyabs” is for people who are not very over weight, already follow a reasonably healthy diet and are just looking to strip away a bit of access fat for great abs. The second program “extremelovesexyabs” is for people who are either very overweight or want the extreme abs definition normally only seen on professional bodybuilders.
Both courses consist of a beginners program lasting 4-6 weeks, an intermediate program lasting 12-16 weeks and an advanced program of 4-6 weeks so make no mistake this is intense training. However, it should be noted that by the time you are ready for the advanced stage of the course you will already have an extremely good six pack and will be just looking to put the final touches on it.
It is also important to realise that the lovesexyabs course is not similar to a book or DVD because it actually contains a diary of every single exercise, set and repetition that you do from workout one and all others throughout the course with videos of Sebastian Turrichi doing every exercise to demonstrate the right way to do it. Once you combine this training with the nutritional plan you are in fact getting the next best thing to having your own personal trainer on call 24 hours a day showing you the most up to date abs program on the planet, it is that good!
The good points!
lovesexyabs is the most in-depth course on abs training available and is presented in an easy to read format that requires no previous knowledge on exercise. The course takes you step by step from beginner, to intermediate to advanced level and has every single exercise, number of sets and repetitions that you do from the very first workout to the very last. There are video demonstrations of every exercise in the course so you always know exactly what you are doing and it even gives you your unique nutritional requirements and menus to follow. It is in fact a personal trainer on tap.
The bad points!
The only possible bad point that I could find is that some of the more advanced training is intense and might be to much for older clients. That said, anyone who does find the advanced training to much could stay with the less demanding phase of the program and that combined with the nutritional guide provided will still lead to great abs.
Who will benefit from the course?
Anyone who truly wants six pack abs, is willing to put in the work and show the dedication to follow the course to completion will get the great abs they want. This is not just wishful thinking but scientific fact and as I have always stated if you follow the right exercise and nutritional plan and stick with it you simply cannot fail to get great abs the only variable is the time it will take the individual as it obviously takes longer if you are very overweight.
Who will not benefit from the course?
Anyone who’s desire for six pack abs is only a passing whim or wants an instant fix to get them will be very disappointed with this course as there are no quick fixes and only hard work, the right plan and the motivation to carry it through can bring results. Therefore, if you fit into the quick fix category my advice is to not waste your time or money because there are no instant abs and you will be left with nothing.
There is no great mystery to getting awesome abs, it simply requires the right exercises, nutrition and motivation. This lovesexyabs course is the most comprehensive guide on the exercise and nutrition needed for this goal that I have ever come across and it a step by step guide to every exercise set and repetition you do from day one to the completion of the course as well as all the the information needed for the right abs diet for you. If you follow it religiously to the end then I guarantee you will be rewarded with the six pack you deserve and for the price I don’t think you can ask for more.
See how my best abs exercises compliments lovesexyabs