Lipo surgery or lipo (suction-assisted fat removal) is is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery procedure which enables the surgeon to remove fat deposits from a localised part of the body by way of a a small incision and the insertion of a small tube (Cannula) to vacuum fat deposits that lie under the skin.
This quick and relatively safe way of removing unwanted fat enables the surgeon to model or contour the shape of problem areas like the buttocks, stomach, thighs, back and chest and on the face of it can seem to offer the most convenient way of getting the sort of body desired as any lipo before and after pictures shown on cosmetic surgery clinics websites suggest. However, before anyone decides to undergo lipo surgery they should ask themselves “what is the real liposculpture price” both physically and mentally.
The prospect of an easy solution to suborn areas of fat particularly in the buttocks and thighs for women and lower back and obliques or(love handles) for men is defiantly an appealing one and I can understand why so many people are now deciding to opt for it especially as the natural way of solving the problem can be a long road that requires discipline, dedication and desire to succeed.
The lipo surgery process starts with a consultation with the plastic surgeon from the cosmetic surgery chosen who will decide if the patient is suitable for the procedure based on the clients age, weight and current health. Interestingly, the paradox for acceptance for lipo surgery is that the patient should have followed a good exercise and diet program for some time before the operation which begs the question if a patient can do this then surely a longer period on such a diet and exercise program would get the results wanted anyway but this is not always the case especially for problems like male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) or man boobs as most of us call it which can be very difficult to remove by diet and exercise alone.
Once accepted for surgery a patient will be informed about what to realistically expect as there is a limit to the amount of fat deposits that can be safely removed at one time and it should be noted that the more fat removed the higher the risk of complications. The upper limit of what is thought to be safe is now no more than 6 litres or 12 lb of fat/fluid aspirate), for any single liposuction procedure.
The techniques for fat removal can vary but the most common one is relatively simple and involves the insertion of a Cannula (small tube-like syringe) through a small incision in the skin. The fat is then drawn through the tube and the procedure is carried out under General Anaesthetic. The recovery after lipo surgery is straight forward unless there has been any complications and most people can be out and about after a day or two with the main side effects of bruising and swelling gradually disappearing over a couple of weeks to months.
As with all surgery there are risks and the liposculpture price in terms of health should be concidered because although some cosmetic surgery clinics might gloss over it 0.57% of patients will suffer minor complications and 0.14% suffer more serous ones which can include infection, contour irregularities, damage to the skin and fluid imbalance. Although the risks are greatly reduced by choosing a reputable surgeon and can be minimized further by having smaller amounts of fat removed remember no invasive surgery will ever be 100% safe.
Satisfactory results from lipo surgery are reasonably high and usually depend on the patient having realistic expectation of what the procedure can achieve. It can and does offer a convenient method of removing stubborn fat from problem arrears of the body but it is not a miracle cure that will give an overweight person an instant six pack or rock hard butt and it should also be remembered that a the older a person is the less elastic the skin becomes which means that for the more mature person lipo surgery might have to be followed by an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) operation to solve the problem of loose skin left after fat has been removed.
Final thoughts
The vast majority of people should never conceder lipo surgery as an option because we can achieve the look we want with the right exercise and diet plan and this brings with it not only a good looking body but also the benefits of improved health, fitness and a sense of pride in the discipline shown to acquire it.
However, there are some people especially more mature ones who will have a problem with stubborn areas of fat unless they commit to a very restrictive diet for a considerable amount of time which in itself can be both demoralising and unhealthy. Therefore for these few a lifestyle choice of sticking to a healthy exercise and diet plan to remove as much fat as possible before undergoing lipo surgery and then returning to this course of action permanently once surgery is completed is perhaps an understandable course of action.
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